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Mark Bachman, UCI professor, co-founder and associate director of UCI's Integrated Nanosystems
Research Facility, leaves to start Integra Devices; a company developing advanced integrated micro-devices and the technology (materials, products, and IP) to manufacture them.
Professor Bachman has partnered with two seasoned tech CEOs to create Integra Devices (, a technology corporation headquartered in Irvine, CA. The company was established to revolutionize the way that technology products are created, leveraging more than 15 years of research and IP at UC Irvine and elsewhere. Integra Devices produces highly integrated microsensors, microactuators, microfluidics, and microcontrollers that can be readily integrated into conventional electronic products. Bachman is a leader in advanced microintegration technology, pioneering a substantial amount of IP for integration at the microscale; co-founding the two microfabrication facilities at UC Irvine and leading many major interdisciplinary programs that span engineering, manufacturing, and life sciences. He has
maintained an active research program in sensors, MEMS, BioMEMS, micro-instruments and nanotechnology for applications in communications and life sciences. He has initiated and led microsystems-based research projects for DARPA, NIH, NSF and UC Discovery, as well as for major contracts from industry affiliates such as Texas Instruments, MOOG, Raytheon and Hitachi Chemical Research. He was awarded 2003 Outstanding Professor in Engineering by
UCI for his teaching accomplishments; and was awarded the UCI Innovation Award in 2005 for his research accomplishments.


Leveraging 15 years and millions of dollars in research, culminating in a patented, transformative manufacturing technology, Integra Devices creates integrated, microscopic 3D structures that sense things, move things, and modify radio waves. For more information visit, email or contact Sourabh Dhillon
at +1 949 930 0147.
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